Thursday, 16 August 2012

Salam Lebaran

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2012
Maaf Zahir & Batin

Selamat Bercuti & Selamat Balik Kampung! :D

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Terima Kasih Dato' Lee Chong Wei

Sharing is Caring.

Aku tgk match antara Malaysia and China ni pun, saat2 akhir je, balik je dr surau (mlm Nuzul Quran), aku teros pacak dpn tv, dan aku, yaaaaaaa, sgt2 emosi, ouchhs, aahhh, ohh, aku percaya aku b'kongsi perasaan itu b'sama 28 juta org rakyat Malaysia yg lain. DLCW dpt silver dimana beliau tewas kpd Lin Dan (China). The next day, aku search psl game ni dkt google, its so wow, DLCW telah b'jaya melakukan satu fenomena apabila ternyata semua rakyat Malaysia tidak kira bangsa, agama mahupun warna kulit menjadi satu 'keluarga'. Begitu bsr impaknya.

Kejohanan Olimpik 2012 London

Sila tonton ini :

Wlpun beliau tak b'jaya bawak balik pingat emas utk Malaysia tp beliau b'jaya berikan lebih dr itu kpd kita smua. 2, 3 hari lately, aku dok sibuk je googling psl DLCW ni tau. haha. stalker nyer aku. huhuhuhu. izinkan aku petik beberapa komen ini dr video b'kenaan :

MapleVideoMaker1 :
To everyone ,
LCW plays not for the money , you can see in his eyes , that he's a humble and caring man .
HE CRIED , because he couldn't shine FOR US MALAYSIANS AND SUPPORTERS .
HE won the semifinals , did he celebrate and party hard ? NO , because he wanted to get gold for OUR COUNTRY , MALAYSIA !
He plays for our country's pride ! AND we should be proud of what he has accomplished !

bumbleserpent94 : 
"He won an accessory, you won the people"
Omigosh best thing EVAAAAAARRR!!!

Nabirakashogi :
He's counting all of Malaysia, the nation, as a unit. Thus, it is acceptable.

bboyerz1 :
Awesome video dude! I have never been so united that night if it wasnt for him.I together with my 'friends' of different races sat together cheering him at a McD outlet. Some whom I never met before. We share the same hope, thoughts, and hero that night.

vinluv :
Dato Lcw
you're not the hero we want.
you're the hero we need.

Tahniah Dato' Lee Chong Wei. Terima Kasih Dato' Lee Chong Wei. Tahniah 1Malaysia.

Nota Tangan : baru aku prasan, aku punya entri ni xde mukadimah, teros je ckp aku tgk match kan? hahahahaha. maafkan saya. :p

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Because His Name is T.O.P


i adore him. bluekksss!

Saranghaeyo oppa~


Boring laaa aku tok koh.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Wordless Wednesday

*sungkey kt lua mcm rangkak.